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Gala Week
The Centenary year celebrations continued with a Gala week at the beginning of August. A Spoon Drive was enjoyed by 36 members on the Monday and an American Tournament by 40 members on the Thursday, both followed by a finger buffet. In between there was a special Tuesday triples with added prizes for the days winners. The Centenary Fun day was held on the Saturday and there is a separate report for this
The Gala week was followed on Wednesday 17th August by a visit by the Bowls England President and her team to celebrate our Centenary. Refreshments were made available for the visitors for lunch and they started arriving as early as 11.30 that morning.
Terri Keen the Bowls England President was accompanied by the Past President Paul Robson, Vice President Dipak Tanna and Junior Vice President David King-Taylor. It turned out that this was one of the few occasions the whole Presidential team had been together this year.
Their individual clubs are Terri Keen - Gerrards Cross BC Buckinghamshire
Dipak Tanna - Goodwood BC Leicestershire
David King-Taylor - West Bridgford BC Nottinghamshire
Paul Robson – Woolston and District BC Hampshire

Bowls England President's Team v Woburn Sands Bowls Club - Mixed Rinks Match

Men's Captain & Chairman of the Centenary Committee welcomes President Terri Keen and Bowls England Captain of the day Neil Fletcher, Past President of Hampshire
In all 13 counties were represented in the Bowls England team from as far afield as Sussex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Wiltshire and the Midlands. We were pleased to welcome in their team the President of Buckinghamshire - Peter French and the President of Bedfordshire - Rodney Garrett.
The game was preceded by team photos and each of our players was handed a presidents pen and a Bowls England celebration enamel badge. The match was then played in good spirit with trial ends followed by 21 ends. Whilst we managed to win on 3 rinks and lose on 3 rinks the match was lost 113 shots to 122 shots.
The weather was fine but chilly so the following roast dinner was most welcome. During dinner our members handed to our guests a centenary gift which included one of our centenary enamel badges
Dinner was followed by the President, Terri, saying a few words and then presenting the club with a Bowls England pennant, awarding prizes to the highest winning rink on both sides and then giving a thank you gift to our catering and bar volunteers.
A big thank you goes to our greenkeepers who both cut and rolled the green in the morning, our guests were very complimentary in their comments regarding the green and our gardens and other facilities.
Our thanks also go the caterers on the day who prepared the pre match refreshments and the lovely evening meal and to the bar volunteers who were kept very busy.
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The gala week finished with a BBQ and a themed roaring 20’s Fun Day. The 8th Fun Day held over recent years.
It was an extremely hot day and being mindful of the temperatures the number of ends played was limited, but nevertheless a good time was had by all.
We started the afternoon with a Ladies “spider”. Winner being Dorothy Blackburn. Then the Gentlemen had their turn, and the winner being Bill Errington.
The members excelled in their dress choices, and 2 fun gifts were awarded to Trevor and Margaret Templeman.
A special thanks to Dave McGarragh and Paul Hamer for cooking the BBQ, and to Bertie Henry for organizing the rink order of play, providing the instruction sheets, and generally helping run the afternoon.
VIP Event
On Friday June 10th 28 locals were invited with their partners to attend a VIP night to thank them for all they do for Woburn Sands bowls club and the members.
At 6pm the Woburn Sands Band ensemble began to play whilst all attendees, around 90, enjoyed a glass of Prosecco.
There was a short speech from Philip Flower and as the band finally blew their last note those who wanted to have a try at bowls were organised onto rinks.
After 6 ends and much merriment, the evening continued with a sumptuous buffet provided by the catering team.
There were many emails thanking the bowls club for such an enjoyable evening where many met old friends and hopefully the club will gain some new members.
Centenary Match versus Bucks County President's Team
On Tuesday 17th May we were honoured with a visit by the County President and his team to celebrate our Centenary. In fact we were doubly honoured as both the Men’s county president Pete French (Stony Stratford BC) and the Lady’s county president Cathy Clark (Aston Clinton BC) attended.
Refreshments were provided at lunchtime for our visitors and the game was played under sunny skies.
The presidents were joined by players from as far afield as Marlow, Iver, Aston Clinton and a number from local clubs including Chandos, Stony Stratford, Newport Pagnell and Olney.
The game was played in good spirit and a draw at 112 shots each seemed a fair reflection of the day.
Cathy as Lady President captained the team and had some very complementary words to say in her after match speech. The match was followed by a very enjoyable roast loin of pork and then apple pie meal. Thanks go to all involved in making the day special and especially the catering volunteers for the day.

Centenary Year Officers
Men's Vice-Captain: Geoff Cooke, Chairman: Philip Flower,
Men's Captain: Barry Wilson, Treasurer: Stuart Martin,
President: Bryan Perry
Ladies' Vice- Captain: June Payne, Fixture Secretary: Maureen Hendy,
Secretary: Janice Windon, Ladies' Captain: Barbara Brown

Centenary Tree
President Bryan Perry unveils the centenary tree plaque
Message from Woburn Sands Bowls Club Centenary Committee
Your Centenary committee have been working hard to make next year a very memorable year for us all.
The opening game of the season will be a Centenary game on 9th April 2022 with the planting of our Centenary tree. All members will be presented with a commemorative Centenary badge.
We have invited Bowls England and a Bucks County team to play against us ( dates to be confirmed).
A Presidents Centenary Day is being organised playing against a variety of local clubs.
There will be a friendly social game inviting local officials, sponsors, business people and celebrities. We are hoping the Woburn Sands Band will attend and of course the usual buffet. Provisional date 10th June.
Gala week – starts 6th August- American Tournament, Spoon Drive, culminating in a Fun day and BBQ on 13th August
A Centenary drawn mixed fours competition will take place. Again dates will be confirmed and you will be able to sign up if you can make the date
We are organising a Centenary Two Wood Triples league to take place on a Friday evening or Sunday morning.
All our opposite numbers in friendly games will be given a commemorative small gift and all our opponents a commemorative glass plaque.
Our season will culminate in a Presentation Evening Dinner Dance at the Holiday Inn on Thursday 10th November. Details and tickets later.
There will be a variety of Centenary clothing available.
Woburn Sands Bowls Club. Circa 1935

I Burley, Normon, Partridge, Wakefield, Hunk,Wagstaff, Hooper, Hawkins, Neville
J McMurtrie, Jackson, Wooding, Deacon, Mould, Whitbread, Barker, Brester, Grace, Dunkley
Collins, Sykes, Purser, Holmes, Bathhurst, Day, Toogood, Austin

The Swan Bowls Club was formed in 1912 with membership cost at 2s 6d (12 ½ p). Our club was affiliated to the social club and played the Swan regularly. There is no record of when the Swan club closed down but it is assumed that many of the members joined us. Pictured is the Rev'd Douglas William Henry who was the vicar of St Michael's from 1901 to 1913. Image: Paul Cox

Aspley Guise Bowling Club behind The Aspley Hall. In 1923 there were about 30 members allowed to join our Club at an annual membership fee of 3s 6d.In 1948 Aspley Guise was wound down. The members wanted the club funds of £164 4s 10d to fund a new Bowls Club in Aspley Guise or for the benefit of the parish of Aspley Guise. Image: Paul Cox.
The Woburn Sands Social Club committee met and vote on 21st April 1922 to form a Bowls Section. A new committee comprising of Rev. Gueritz, Messrs Bathurst (Chairman), Toogood, Howe, Sykes, Hanson (Sec.), Dudley and Pratt, drew up the club rules. The labour for the green cost £16 and annual rent was £3 10s. Annual membership fee was 3/6 (£10 with inflation in today's money) for members of the social club and 6s for non-members. Visitors paid 6d for each morning, afternoon or evening. All members paid 1d for each game of 11 ends. The official opening on 14th May was celebrated by having tea at 4.30pm at a cost of 9d per person. The Captain & Vice-Captain selected the teams and Mrs Holmes opened the green by throwing the first jack. In May 1922 the committee agreed to allow croquet to be played on a section of the 4 rink green not used by bowlers, provided there was a minimum of 20 croquet players.
In 1922 the new formed club played against many local clubs with two games against Aspley Guise Bowls Club, the first on 10th July. Members living in the High Street & Station Road played against members from Aspley Guise & Wavendon. The winning rinks were chosen to play Aspley Guise on Weds. evening 12th July played at home and Woburn Sands won by 7 shots. The return game was played on the lawn of The Old House in the Avenue, Aspley Guise. Woburn Sands won by 10 shots. In subsequent years the Club played against the Swan Hotel Bowls Club and against Woburn Bowls Club which has long gone.
A male only club, in 1924 there were 41 members & 3 non-members. There was a small club house next to the green but refreshments were taken in the Social Club bar. For many years there was also an indoor rink in the old wooden Social Club building (now demolished). In the 1950s the green was extended to 6 rinks. In 1958 a ladies' section was formed. This existed as a separate section with the ladies allowed to use the green only in the afternoon until the mid 70s.The club became a fully integrated mixed club in 1999.
Players in a game against Aspley Guise played on 7th July 1926 were: Purser, Whitbread, Jackson, Day, Giles, W. Checkley, Rev. Gueritz, Sibley, Collins, Neville, Wooding, Sykes, H Checkley, Boon, Cooke, West. Woburn Sands won by 42 shots.
Also in 1958 a brick pavilion was built giving the club a small function room and bar but no kitchen with after match refreshments having to be brought in on trays. The biggest change to the facilities came in 2001 when a substantial donation from the landlord, Mr Philip Menday, helped to obtain a lottery grant. This enabled the pavilion to be extended to include a larger club room, changing rooms, kitchen, toilets and bar. At the same time the banks to the green were improved and a sprinkler system installed.
Up to 2015 the club premises were at the back of the High Street in Woburn Sands, and then moved to our improved facilities in Aspley Guise. For more recent history visit the home page .